Clinical Vitreo-Retina Fellowship for International Candidates
Course Content:
- Mastering the skills of using slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy.
- Diagnosis of various medical and surgical retina conditions under supervision of retina specialist.
- Interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), Indocyanine green angiography (ICG), Optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCTA, ultrasonography (USG) and electrodiagnostic modalities.
- Hands on experience in performing FFA, ICG, OCT, OCTA, USG and electrodiagnostic modalities.
- Diagnosis of various ocular tumours and their management.
- Postings with Surgical Retina Consultants in OPD and OT handling medical and surgical retinal cases
- Posting in Uveitis Department for 1 month under supervision of uvea specialist.
- Visiting NICU with retina specialist to screen babies for retinopathy of prematurity.
- Hands on experience in performing laser photocoagulation for various posterior segment diseases, ROP babies under supervision
- Hands on experience in delivering intravitreal injections for various posterior segment pathologies under supervision
- Emergency Room posting for a period of 1 month to understand and deal with emergencies involving all ophthalmic sub-specialties
- Familiarize with the art of prescribing low visual aids, genetic screening and counselling
- Hands on experience in performing scleral buckling techniques, Pars plana vitrectomies (20G, 23G, 25G) under the supervision of vitreoretinal surgeons. Including emergency endophthalmitis cases
- 3 months of Senior Residency with mentorship - Independent OPD, Emergency, laser & USG postings and intravitreal injections.
- Taking part in regular teaching schedules in weekly classes, research publications and presentation in various conferences