
Dr Rajiv Raman

Consultant | Vitreo Retina

MBBS from MGM Medical College, Indore
MS from Government Medical College, Surat, Gujarat
Fellowship in Vitreoretinal diseases at the Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai
Awarded FRCS’Ed from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg
Awarded DSc, Health Sciences from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
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Gist of achievements:He has more than two decade experience in performing vitreoretinal procedures for retinal diseases. He initiated one of the first comprehensive programme for screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in India and is a pioneer in Teleophthalmology in India. Along with team from Google, he developed and validated automated retinopathy detection algorithm, which was published in JAMA. His published contributions have been many covering several different aspects of retinal diseases but concentrating on various aspects of diabetic eye disease. He is prime mover and clinical coordinator in several clinical studies including population-based study SN DREAMS and ORNATE India in India. He is frequently invited to national and international meetings as his lecturing skills are exemplary. He is also a supervisor for postgraduate ophthalmologists and optometrists. His model of DR screening has been adopted by several institutes globally.

  • Visiting Professor at Vision and Eye Research Unit, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK
  • Adjunct Faculty: Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, Dept of Engineering Design
  • Editorial board member: Eye, Acta Ophthalmologica, Scientific Reports, Frontiers, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology
  • Reviewer of 35 international peer-reviewed journals
  • National task force on Diabetic Retinopathy, All India Ophthalmology society
  • National Board of examination, Ophthalmology (DNB)
  • National expert: Certificate Course in Evidence Based, Management of Diabetic Retinopathy (CCDR) by Public health foundation of India.
  • FDA’s Network of Digital Health Experts (NoDEx)
  • Research standing committee, Asia Pacific academy of Ophthalmology (APAO)
  • Steering committee member, IIT, Chennai, Medical Science programme
  • Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
  • Grant reviewer: Swiss National Science Foundation, Indian council of Medical Research, Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India, Diabetes UK, NIHR, UK
  • Asia ARVO Young investigator award, Singapore
  • Ruby Banik Memorial award for best researcher at Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai
  • Dr. TLK Row Memorial Endowment award
  • Finalist in BMJ Award, South Asia
  • Late Dr. B.N.Shrivastava & late (Mrs.) Sarandulari Shrivastava Award of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes In India(RSSDI)
  • CN Shroff award from All India Ophthalmology society
  • P. Siva Reddy International Award from from All India Ophthalmology society