We wish to draw your kind attention that as per the revised directive on treatment offered to foreign patients issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, foreign nationals visiting India on a tourist Visa can also avail regular eye examination and care at Sankara Nethralaya. A ‘Medical Visa’ is mandatory only for such treatment that involves ‘Corneal transplant’ or requires the patient to stay back in the hospital for more than 180 days, in such cases the patient would be issued with a ‘C’ form by the International Patients Department at Sankara Nethralaya which they should furnish at the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) and have their Tourist Visa converted into a ‘Medical Visa’. However in the case of Pakistani citizens such treatment and stay shall also have to approved by the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi
Apart from receiving patients from all over the country, Sankara Nethralaya also renders service to international patients including the US and UK. All international patients are advised to contact our International Patient Relations Officer who will assist in making necessary arrangements including fixing of appointment with specialist ophthalmologist, accommodation for the duration of stay and ticket reservations, if required.
The Consulate of the Sultanate of Oman acts as a mediator between the patient from the Sultanate of Oman and Sankara Nethralaya. The Consulate’s office in India forwards the medical history of the patient to our International Patient Relations Officer for getting the opinion from specialist ophthalmologist at Sankara Nethralaya. Our International Patient Relations Officer coordinates with the Specialist Ophthalmologist and forwards the advice thus received to the Consulate of Sultanate of Oman to enable them to advise the patient to decide whether to take the treatment locally or to come to Sankara Nethralaya. Once the patient informs his decision to receive treatment at Sankara Nethralaya, the Consulate of Sultanate of Oman advises our International Patient Relations Officer accordingly. Our Patient Relations Officer then arranges a suitable appointment with the Specialist Ophthalmologist, accommodation for the expected duration of stay at the hospital till discharge or as advised by the doctor etc and communicates to the Consulate of Sultanate of Oman. The Consulate’s office then arranges for the travel of the patient who is received by us at the Airport and transferred to the Hospital. Our Patient Relations Officer ensures that the stay of the patient while here for treatment is comfortable. Once the treatment is over, the Consulate of Sultanate of Oman is furnished details of the treatment given along with supporting medical records.
The Consulate of Sultanate of Oman arranges for a translator to be available with the patient while he is here and this translator also arranges for the return journey of the patient. Our Patient Relations Officer coordinates till the time the patient admitted is discharged and seen off at the airport. The Consulate of Sultanate of Oman meets the expenses incurred.
Sankara Nethralaya has an arrangement with the Mauritius Government, who send five to ten patients every week for treatment along with their medical history to our Patient Relations Officer. Our Patient Relations Department makes necessary arrangements for accommodation; pick up the patients from the airport and also helps in fixing up suitable appointment with respective Specialist Ophthalmologist based on the medical history and diagnosis of the patients. Each patient is allowed to have one attendant, to take care of the patient’s personal needs. Once the treatment is completed, Sankara Nethralaya issues fitness certificate to Air Mauritius confirming the patient’s fitness to undertake air travel. Sankara Nethralaya also helps with booking of air tickets both for the patient as well as the attendant. Our Patient Relations Department ensures that the patient and the attendant are taken to the airport to enable them to board their flight. The expenses incurred are borne by the Mauritius Government.
It is noteworthy to mention here that Sankara Nethralaya was awarded the ‘Best Medical Tourism Award-2018’ by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Corporation and ‘FICCI Medical Travel Value Award-2018’ by the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Ministry of Commerce & Industry and the ‘Services Export promotion Zone’ (SEPZ)
For details, contact
Manager, Patient Relations, International Services Department
Email: ips@snmail.org
Phone No: 91-044-42271817, 42271818, 42271500, 28271616