Orthoptics Clinic

Binocular Vision Clinic

Binocular vision clinic (Orthoptics clinic) at Sankara Nethralaya aims in the assessment and treatment of non-strabismic binocular vision assessment (eye focusing and eye teaming issues). A team of trained optometrists focus to evaluate eye muscle coordination and binocular alignment.

Service provided
  • Comprehensive binocular vision assessment
  • Depth perception
  • Eye-Hand coordination
  • Eye-movement tests
  • Diplopia Charting and Hess charting
  • Prisms for diplopia (Ground prism, Fresnel prism)
Facilities & Infrastructure Available
  • Binocular vision clinic located at 5th floor Mahyco block at Sankara Nethralaya Main
  • Phone No: 044-42271518
  • Email: orthoptics@snmail.org
  • Binocular vision clinic services also located at JKCN, C. U. Shah Sankara Nethralaya, Raja Annamalai Puram

Vision Therapy Clinic (VTC)

Vision therapy is to optimize the visual system, and areas of the brain that control vision, visual efficiency, visual perception and other vision-related functions. By treating the entire visual system, vision therapy aims to change reflexive (automatic) behaviours to produce a lasting cure. Vision therapy can treat vision problems that interfere with efficient reading among schoolchildren.

Vision therapy can help reduce eyestrain and other symptoms of computer vision syndrome experienced by many children and adults that cannot be treated successfully with eyeglasses, contact lenses and/or surgery alone, and help people achieve clear, comfortable binocular vision.

Service provided
  • Vergence (eye teaming) training
  • Accommodation (eye focusing) training
  • Eye movement therapy
  • Manual and Computer based training for both vergence and accommodation
Facilities & Infrastructure Available
  • Binocular vision clinic located at 6th floor Mahyco block at Sankara Nethralaya Main
  • Phone No: 044-42271518
  • Email: orthoptics@snmail.org
  • Binocular vision clinic services also located at JKCN

Neuro-Optometry Clinic

The Neuro-Optometry Clinic at Sankara Nethralaya was inaugurated on 7th January 2015 to fulfill the needs of Neurological visual issues, in the aspects of diagnostic, therapy and vision rehabilitative management.

The clinic comprising of the multidisciplinary team of Neuro-Ophthalmologists, Neurologists, Neuro-Optometrists and Vision therapy team focuses to advance the art and science of visual rehabilitation of the neurologically challenged population.

Neuro-optometric evaluation is recommended for individuals who have vision related issues because of the following causes:

  • Traumatic brain injury (mild, moderate, severe)
  • Cerebrovascular accident
  • Neurological diseases (Parkinson /Alzheimer Disease)
Services provided
  • Comprehensive Binocular vision assessment
  • Oculomotor function tests
  • Reading eye movement test
  • Visual field and Visual neglect assessment
  • Visual motor skills assessment
  • Visual Perceptual skills and Visual attention testing
  • Diplopia and Hess charting
  • Prism trials (Fresnel, Yoked prisms) for hemianopia
  • Binasal occlusions and Tints
Facilities & Infrastructure Available
  • Neuro-Optometry Clinic located at 5th floor of Mahyco Block
  • Phone No.: 044-42271517
  • Email: neurooptometry@snmail.org
Neuro-optometric rehabilitation
  • Accommodative and Vergence dysfunctions therapy
  • Oculomotor dysfunction therapy
  • Visual search, Eye hand coordination, Peripheral awareness training using SANET VISION INTEGRATOR (SVI)
  • Prism prescription (Field expanders - Fresnel and yoked prisms)
  • Tints and filters for photosensitivity
  • Binasal occlusions for Vertigo and motion sensitivity
  • Assistive online technology to enhance reading

Amblyopia Review Clinic

What is Amblyopia?
Amblyopia or lazy eye is a condition, when vision is reduced in one or both of the eye without any underlying disease condition and cannot be cured by spectacles, medication or surgery.

What are the causes for Amblyopia?
The following are the most common cause of amblyopia:

  • Difference in refractive power between the eyes
  • Misalignment of eye (Squint)

Who will benefit?

  • Patient is diagnosed to have Amblyopia (Refractive / Strabismic/ Mixed) without any other ocular pathology
  • Conventional treatment of patching has not helped
In recent research papers, it is established that, amblyopia can be treated among adults also.

Who will not benefit?
Patients above 40 years of age (breaking of suppression at this age is bit challenging), as there are chances of having double vision.

Amblyopia review clinic

The Amblyopia Review clinic supports the pediatric ophthalmology services by reviewing patients with amblyopia who need amblyopia treatment and regular follow-up. In the amblyopia review clinic, comprehensive assessment of visual functions is carried out for the amblyopic child and appropriate recommendations are provided in conjunction with the recommendations by the pediatric ophthalmologist.

This clinic also addresses the visual needs of the amblyopic child and adult by appropriate assessment and management through novel treatment protocols. Both Software and manual based therapies are provided by this clinic to improve vision in the lazy eye.

Service Provided
  • Comprehensive assessment for lazy eye (Amblyopia) for both child and adults
  • Fixation assessment
  • Vergence and accommodation function tests
Software based home therapy techniques:
  • Action video game training
  • Dichoptic therapy
  • Perceptual learning therapy
Therapy provided
  • Anti-suppression therapy
  • Dichoptic and Perceptual learning based training
  • Accommodation and vergence training both manual and software-based platform
  • Hand eye coordination, eye movement, balance training with Sanet-vision integrator (SVI)
Facilities & Infrastructure Available

Amblyopia Review Clinic located at Venugopal Block Basement
Phone No: 044-42271563
Email: orthoptics@snmail.org
Amblyopia Review Clinic services also located at JKCN