Short Term Research Project Programme

(A unit of Medical Research Foundation)
in Basic Medical Laboratory Sciences.

Eligibility Criteria: Applications are invited from Post-Graduates in Life Sciences (M.Sc. in Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Human Genetics (from Arts & Science Colleges), students doing final year B.Tech / M.Tech in Biological / Life sciences from Engineering Colleges / Research Institutions.

Project Detail: It is a short term, intensive research project in various Basic Medical Sciences to be imparted in the departments of Biochemistry / Bioinformatics / Cell Biology / Human Genetics & Molecular Biology / Microbiology / Stem Cell / Nano Biotechnology / Ocular Pathology, conducted for 3 - 4 months from December to March every academic year under the Vidyasagar Institute of Biomedical Technology and Science (VIBS), a unit of Medical Research Foundation.

Project Duration: 1st December 2024 to 31st March 2025

arrow_right Click Here for Application Form

Project Course Fees: Rs.15,000/-

Rules and Regulations to be strictly adhered by the student while undergoing the short term Research project programmes at VIBS (A Unit of Medical Research Foundation)

arrow_right The Short term Research work for the current year will start from 1st December 2024 and extend up to March 2025. The duly filled in applications should be forwarded through proper channel by HOD / Head of the applicant’s institution through a covering letter.

arrow_right The students are eligible to undergo their short term project in any of the Basic Medical Sciences Departments - Genetics & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Medical Microbiology, Nano-Biotechnology & Stem cell laboratory.

arrow_right The project work will be assigned by the respective department guides from the ”Ongoing Research Projects” approved by Institutional Research Board & Ethics Committee, funded by Government or private funding agencies.

arrow_right Students should apply stating their first & second subject of preference, depending on their interest in the above mentioned subjects. The student will be allotted either the first or the second choice, depending on the availability of seats.

arrow_right The title for the short term project will be given by the respective guide in each Department and only one student can work on a particular title. It should be noted that a single short term project cannot be shared by two students / two students cannot work in one project title.

arrow_right The time of joining the project work is flexible (i.e) on any working day from 1st December 2024 to 5th January 2025. The student is expected to work for 8 hours each day from Monday to Friday every week.

arrow_right In case the student needs to report the progress of the work to his/her college or attend any class or to appear for any exam in the respective college during the project period, local students (residing in Chennai) will be allowed to take a maximum of 2 days and students from outside Chennai a maximum of 3 days leave with prior permission from the Guide & HOD of the respective department.

arrow_right The dissertation work carried out at Medical Research Foundation should not be published or presented in any Conference / Seminar / Publication in any form without the written consent of the concerned Guide & HOD from Medical Research Foundation. Students are instructed not to do the same project in their own institution at a different site. The Certificate for dissertation will be signed only by the Guide(s) from Medical Research Foundation. The student’s internal guide from his/her college is not eligible/authorized to sign the certificate.

arrow_right Confidentiality of the Research work to be maintained by the student. No part of the data or the dissertation work will be used by the candidate for any other purpose. An undertaking to this effect should be signed both by the student as well as the respective guide from the parent Institution / College.

arrow_right If the student needs to discontinue the project work at any point of time, the respective guide, HOD & VIBS office should be informed.

arrow_right Fees paid by the Short Term Project students will not be refunded at any point of time.

arrow_right Project completion certificate will be provided to the candidate after submitting the e-copy of the dissertation work and the PPT slides of final presentation through the respective HODs to VIBS office for record purpose.

The duly filled in Application through proper channel along with the CV should be sent to the Vidyasagar Institute of Biomedical Technology & Science (VIBS), Medical Research Foundation, 41, College Road, Chennai – 600 006 from November 1st week onwards. However the selected candidates will be communicated of the same only in the third week of November 2024 individually by e-mail

No enquiries will be entertained regarding selection before the official announcement.
For further details contact Phone: 28271616 Extn: 1301

The project fee of Rs.15, 000/- needs to be paid only after receiving the selection intimation letter from VIBS

Short Term project Course Fee : RS. 15,000/-
DURATION: 1st DECEMBER 2024 – 31st MARCH 2025

arrow_right Click Here for Application Form

VIBS, (KNBIRVO Building II Floor)
41, College Road, Chennai – 600 006.
Ph: 28271616, 28271036, Extn: 1350
Email : /
Web at