
Shri Bhagwan Mahavir Vitreoretinal Services

"Shri Bhagwan Mahavir Vitreoretinal services" is one of the largest, busiest and best-equipped retina units in South East Asia. It is known in India and neighbouring countries for its world class and state of the art eye care for patients with complicated vitreo-retinal problems. The vitreoretinal department is currently functioning in Chennai and Kolkata with a task force constituting of 17 consultants in Chennai and 7 consultants in Kolkata headed by Dr. Pramod Bhende. On an average 1,23,441 patients with various vitreoretinal disorders are seen in the outpatient services every year and around 10479 vitreoretinal procedures are being performed every year, 849 visiting consultations done every year (SN Chennai data for the year April 2022 to March 2023)

The facilities available are:

arrow_right Digital fundus photography

arrow_right Wide field and Ultra widefield imaging (OPTOS & Retcam), Clarus, Forus

arrow_right Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA)

arrow_right Indocyanine green angiography (ICG)

arrow_right Laser photocoagulation (Green, Yellow, Diode, Sub-threshold Micropulse)

arrow_right Transpupillary thermo therapy (TTT)

arrow_right Electroretinogram (ERG), Multifocal ERG, Electrooculogram (EOG), VEP, Multifocal VEP, Sweep VEP

arrow_right Ultrasonography and Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM)

arrow_right Optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Spectral domain, Swept source)

arrow_right Optical Coherence Tomography angiography (OCTA - Spectral domain, Swept source)

Six fully equipped operation theaters are dedicated exclusively for vitreo-retinal surgeries in Chennai while there are 4 dedicated operation theaters for vitreo-retinal surgeries in Kolkata. Apart from the dedicated operation theaters for surgery, a separate OT for intravitreal injections and a separate OT for short sterile procedures like examination under anesthesia, laser photocoagulation under GA, ROP lasers, etc., are also available in our Chennai center. A separate Operating Theater is also available for infected cases. A variety of retinal surgeries, both simple and complicated, are performed every day. Apart from patient care, Shri Bhagwan Mahavir Vitreoretinal services is also actively involved in teaching, training and research.

The institute also has access to a variety of Online journals including British Journal of Ophthalmology, Elseiver, Karger, Nature, etc, along with online access to OVID journals and Taylor & Francis Online.

Till date over 985 research articles are published in peer-reviewed National & International journals.

Types Of Fellowship

The department offers following fellowship programs…

Medical retina fellowship (Advanced course) 12 months
Medical retina and Uvea combined fellowship 24 month
Clinical vitreoretina fellowship 24 months
Reseach-cum-Clinical vitreoretina fellowship 30 months

Medical retina fellowship (Advanced course)

Duration:1 year
Number of trainees: 4 per year (one for Chennai and one for Kolkata every 6 months)


  • Mastering the skills of using slit lamp biomicroscopy, digital fundus photography which includes use of contact and noncontact fundus lenses.
  • Mastering the skills of using indirect ophthalmoscopy.
  • Diagnosis of various medical and surgical retina conditions under supervision of retina specialist.
  • Interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), Indocyanine green angiography (ICG), Optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCTA, ultrasonography (USG) and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Hands on experience in performing FFA, ICG, OCT, OCTA, USG and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Diagnosis of various ocular tumors and their management.
  • Visiting NICU with retina specialist to screen babies for retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Hands on experience in performing lasers for ROP babies under supervision.
  • Hands on experience in performing laser photocoagulation for various posterior segment diseases.
  • Hands on experience in delivering intravitreal injections for various posterior segment pathologies.
  • Emergency Room posting for a period of 1 month to understand and deal with emergencies involving all ophthalmic sub-specialties
  • Familiarize with the art of prescribing low visual aids.
  • Taking part in research and Presentation in conferences
  • Familiarize with genetic screening and counselling
  • 3 months of senior residency with independent OPD, laser and USG postings.

Medical retina and Uvea combined fellowship

Duration:24 months (1st year Uvea + 2nd year Medical retina)

Number of trainees: 2 per year(one every 6 months)


  • Mastering the skills of using slit lamp biomicroscopy, digital fundus photography which includes use of contact and noncontact fundus lenses.
  • Mastering the skills of using indirect ophthalmoscopy
  • Diagnosis of various medical and surgical retina conditions under supervision of retina specialist.
  • Diagnosis of various ocular tumors and their management.
  • Diagnosis of uveitis and uvea emergencies under supervision of uvea specialist.
  • Interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), Indocyanine green angiography (ICG), Optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCTA, ultrasonography (USG) and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Hands on experience in performing FFA, ICG, OCT, USG and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Visiting NICU with retina specialist to screen babies for retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Hands on experience in performing lasers for ROP babies under supervision.
  • Hands on experience in performing cataract surgeries during their first year of fellowship program only.
  • Hands on experience in performing laser photocoagulation for various posterior segment diseases.
  • Hands on experience in delivering intravitreal injections for various posterior segment pathologies.
  • Emergency Room posting for a period of 1 month to understand and deal with emergencies involving all ophthalmic sub-specialties
  • Familiarize with the art of prescribing low visual aids.
  • Taking part in research and presentation in conferences.
  • Familiarize with genetic screening and counseling
  • 6 months of senior residency (3 months during 1st year & 3 months during 2nd year) with independent OPD posting, Uvea emergencies, laser and ultrasound postings.

Clinical vitreoretina fellowship

Duration: 2 years

Number of trainees: 8 per year (four every 6 months - out of which two will be trained for half the duration of fellowship in Kolkata and the remaining half in Chennai)


  • Mastering the skills of using slit lamp biomicroscopy which includes use of contact and noncontact fundus lenses.
  • Mastering the skills of using indirect ophthalmoscopy
  • Diagnosis of various medical and surgical retina conditions under supervision of retina specialist.
  • Diagnosis of uveitis under supervision of uvea specialist.
  • Interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), Indocyanine green angiography (ICG), Optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCTA ultrasonography (USG) and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Hands on experience in performing FFA, ICG, OCT, OCTA, USG and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Diagnosis of various ocular tumors and their management.
  • Visiting NICU with retina specialist to screen babies for retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Hands on experience in performing lasers for ROP babies under supervision.
  • Hands on experience in performing laser photocoagulation for various posterior segment diseases.
  • Hands on experience in delivering intravitreal injections for various posterior segment pathologies.
  • Hands on experience in performing scleral buckling techniques under the supervision of vitreoretinal surgeons.
  • Hands on experience in performing Pars plana vitrectomies (20G, 23G, 25G) under the supervision of vitreoretinal surgeons.
  • Emergency Room posting for a period of 1 month to understand and deal with emergencies involving all ophthalmic sub-specialties
  • Taking part in research activities and presentations in conferences.
  • Familiarize with the art of prescribing low visual aids.
  • Familiarize with genetic screening and counseling.
  • 6 months of senior residency with independent OPD, laser & USG postings.

Reseach-cum- Clinical vitreoretina fellowship

Duration: 2 years and 6 months

Number of trainees: 4 per year (two every 6 months)


Research 6 months:

  • Dedicated 6 months for exclusive training in research methodologies and statistics.
  • To learn the art of writing research publications.
  • To learn the art of writing research proposal for grant.
  • To work with basic scientist and statistician.
  • To be an active participant in the ongoing studies in SankaraNethralaya.
  • To conduct clinical auditing.
  • Insight into conducting clinical studies.
  • Presentations in conferences.

Clinical 2 Years:

  • Mastering the skills of using indirect ophthalmoscopy
  • Diagnosis of various medical and surgical retina conditions under supervision of retina specialist.
  • Diagnosis of uveitis under supervision of uvea specialist.
  • Interpretation of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), Indocyanine green angiography (ICG), Optical coherence tomography (OCT),OCTA, ultrasonography (USG) and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Hands on experience in performing FFA, ICG, OCT USG and electrodiagnostic modalities.
  • Diagnosis of various ocular tumors and their management.
  • Visiting NICU with retina specialist to screen babies for retinopathy of prematurity.
  • Hands on experience in performing lasers for ROP babies under supervision.
  • Hands on experience in performing laser photocoagulation for various posterior segment diseases.
  • Hands on experience in delivering intravitreal injections for various posterior segment pathologies.
  • Hands on experience in performing scleral buckling techniques under the supervision of vitreoretinal surgeons.
  • Hands on experience in performing Pars plana vitrectomies (20G, 23G, 25G) under the supervision of vitreoretinal surgeons.
  • Emergency Room posting for a period of 1 month to understand and deal with emergencies involving all ophthalmic sub-specialties
  • Familiarize with the art of prescribing low visual aids.
  • Familiarize with genetic screening and counseling.
  • 6 months of senior residency with independent OPD, laser & USG postings.

Selection / Eligibility

Age Limit: Upto 40 years

The selection examination is held once a year in the month of November. Selection is done for 2 sessions (January and next July). Advertisements appear in the hospital website and in-house magazines. Written examination is in the form of multiple choice questions. Candidates clearing the written examination will appear for the viva, conducted by two to four examiners. List of selected candidates would be displayed on the hospital notice board by the same evening. Preference will be given to the candidates hailing from & going back to underserved areas. Candidates with postgraduate degree in ophthalmology can apply for the fellowship. Institutional candidates will be given preference. Qualified candidates employed elsewhere should produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the previous employer at the time of joining.

Textbooks published by Sankara Nethralaya :

1. SUDHA K GANESH SankaraNethralaya`s Atlas of Uveitis and Scleritis Jaypee Brothers, 2005 ISBN 81-8061-466-2
2. PADMAJA KUMARI RANI The SankaraNethralaya Atlas of Retinal Diseases (With Photo DVD-Rom) Jaypee Brothers, 2008 ISBN 978-81-8448-256-0
3. JYOTIRMAY BISWAS Manual of Ocular Pathology Jaypee-Highlights, 2010 ISBN 978-81-8448-912-5
4. BADRINATH SankaraNethralaya Clinical Practice Pattern in Ophthalmology 2nd ed., Jaypee Brothers, 2013. ISBN 978-93-5025-785-2
5. PUKHRAJ RISHI The SankaraNethralaya Atlas of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography 2nd ed., Jaypee Brothers, 2013. ISBN 978-93-5025-577-3
6. MUNA BHENDE The SankaraNethralaya Atlas of Ophthalmic Ultrasound and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy 2nd ed., Jaypee Brothers, 2013. ISBN 978-93-5090-535-7
7. AMBIKA SELVAKUMAR SankaraNethralaya's Atlas of Imaging in Ophthalmology Jaypee Brothers, 2014 ISBN 978-81-8448-900-2
8. JYOTIRMAY BISWAS Uveitis: An Update Springer, 2016 ISBN 978-81-322-2294-1
9. JAICHANDRAN VV Principle and Practice of Ophthalmic Anaesthesia Jaypee, The Health Sciences Publishers, 2017. ISBN 978-93-86261-23-6
10. BIPASHA MUKHERJEE HUNTER YUEN Emergencies of the Orbit and Adnexa Springer, 2017 ISBN 978-81-322-1806-7
11. JAY CHHABLANI PARTHOPRATIM D M J-FERNANDO AREVALO Retinal and Choroid Imaging in Systemic Diseases Springer, 2018 ISBN 978-981-10-5459-4
12. VIKAS KHETAN Intraocular Tumors Springer, 2020 ISBN 978-981-15-0395-5