Sankara Nethralaya
Sankara Nethralaya
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Community Ophthalmology

Brief History

Jaslok Community Ophthalmic Centre

The Jaslok Community Ophthalmic Center at Sankara Nethralaya offers free services to those with a family income of less than Rs.12,000 per month.

All our units follow the same policy of providing high quality treatment to the rich and poor alike. Some of the highlights of our Community Ophthalmic services are listed below:

1987-1992: Camps conducted on alternate Sundays in the Hospital premises
1992-1995: Camps conducted with the help of NGOs especially the Tulsi Trust.
1995-1997: An entire floor in Mahyco block dedicated for community services.
1997-1999: With increasing demand, a separate Hospital started for free patients at Pammal in the outskirts of Chennai.
1999 onwards: Jaslok Community Ophthalmic Center started in the heart of Chennai close to Sankara Nethralaya Main Hospital.
2020 onwards: Moved to a larger premises at Dr V G Appukutty Campus, St Thomas Mount dedicated fully to community services with better facilities to accommodate more underprivileged patients
In a developing country like India, rural populations still have difficulty in accessing quality eye treatment. Sankara Nethralaya recognized this need early on and has put in an elaborate system to identify patients in near-by Villages with eye problem; bring them to the main Hospital; operate and give them glasses and send them back to their houses - all free of cost. Even the food requirements are met with. Our efforts are whole heartedly supported by Social Service Organizations such as Tulsi Trust, Lions Club, Singvi Charitable Trust, Sai Trust and by many good hearted individuals.

Ophthalmic issues the dept. addresses

The department focuses in the provision of the following services:

Cataract Surgery
Minor Glaucoma Surgeries
  • Nd: YAG peripheral Iridotomy


Service of community & by community

At JCOC, community service is not just helping the underprivileged but also roping in community to contribute to our endeavours.

In partnership with a number of NGOs, JCOC conducts eye camps at the city slums as well as rural areas. Those who require surgery are brought to JCOC. Surgery and post-operative care expenses are borne by JCOC if a patient family income is less than Rs.12,000 per month. Following the surgery, the patient is taken back to his/her village; this is followed a week later by a doctor visit to examine how the patient is recuperating. An indigent patient who is treated free of cost at JCOC is eligible for the same for life.

An understanding with the city MOP Vaishnav college and Meenakshi college for women has led to college students actively volunteering at JCOC out-patient department. Volunteers from SMILE, SWAN and the Sathya Sai Organisation have contributed effectively in the smooth functioning of JCOC. The institute has also provided its services to inmates at Banyan and to the aged at Little Sisters of Poor.

We have also been supported by Lion Club International, Tulsi Trust, Singavi Charitable Trust, Madras West Round Table 10 and Tamil Nadu District Blindness Control Society for Community out Reach Program.

With five operation theatres and 104 beds, JCOC treats about 200-300 out patients every day and performs between 30-40 surgeries every day. JCOC also serves as a training centre for PGs and Fellows of Sankara Nethralaya and offers training programmes such as the Ratan Tata Fellowship programme.

Having emerged as a leading eye hospital, Sankara Nethralaya takes on community service with utmost sincerity and dedication. And JCOC is a prime example of our belief in serving humanity.

Corporates desiring to sponsor an Out Reach Camp or Cataract surgeries or individuals wishing to sponsor one or more cataract surgeries can contact:

Mr. K.Arul Kumar,
Sankara Nethralaya, Jaslok Community Ophthalmic Center,
Dr. V.G. Appukutty Campus
No.8, GST Road, St. Thomas Mount,
Chennai – 600 016.
e-mail :,

Click here for details on our Advanced Cataract Fellowship Programme

Papers/Publications for last 10 years

Practice and personal profile of male and female ophthalmologists in India. Rupak R, Debmalya D, Saurabh K, A Mukherjee – Accepted in Indian Journal of Ophthalmology April 2015.

Practice and personal profile of male and female ophthalmologists in India. Kumar S, Krishnendu S, Rupak R, Parthopratim D M - Indian Journal of Ophthalmology volume: 63, Issue: 6, Page: 482 – 486.

Director Dr. Sripriya Krishnamoorthy
Consultants Dr. Veena Baskaran
Dr. Gajendra Kumar Verma
Dr. Elizabeth Sonu John
Dr. Parameswari C K
Dr. Shema Rafeek
Director - Community Ophthalmology
Dr. Sripriya Krishnamoorthy
Sankara Nethralaya, Jaslok Community Ophthalmic Center,
Dr. V.G. Appukutty Campus
No.8, GST Road, St. Thomas Mount,
Chennai – 600 016.
E-Mail ID: /
Tel: 91-44-28233556, 28271616, 28311913
Extn: 2304
Our Partner in Ophthalmic Research